Earlier this year the Office of Technology Services (OTS) advised the Illinois Tech community about the rising risk of ransomware incidents and the steps we all need to take to improve our cybersecurity.
One of the steps that OTS has highlighted to reduce exposure to cybersecurity events is to always access your remote desktop (RDP) through Illinois Tech’s virtual private network (VPN). The VPN is a secure, encrypted Internet connection through which you can establish a safer connection to the university’s systems and your desktop.
Another step toward that goal is to change the way Linux and Unix users gain remote access to their desktops/laptops/servers.
Traditionally, users of Linux and Unix have accessed their computers using a Secure Shell Protocol (SSH). However, for purposes of campus security, beginning July 22, 2021, users will need to first connect to the Illinois Tech VPN and then establish an SSH connection into their systems.
For instructions on how to connect to the VPN infrastructure, please click here.
If you have any questions or experience any difficulties, please contact the Support Desk at supportdesk@iit.edu or 312-567-3375 (on campus x7DESK).
These VPN connection efforts are just the beginning of OTS’s efforts to address IIT’s and the IIT community’s cybersecurity needs. More information about this comprehensive initiative will follow.
Please remember: To ensure continuous remote access, please install the VPN for your system before July 22, 2021.
Thank you for your cooperation.