The Department of Human Resources is excited to offer Essentials of Leadership, Navigating Beyond Conflict, and Taking the HEAT training. We are offering multiple courses located at the Mies (Main) Campus.
Participants must have supervisor approval before registration. Each session is limited to fifteen participants. These classes are offered on a first to register basis. The registration link will close when the courses are full. Additional interested staff employees are waitlisted. If you are unable to attend, cancel no later than five business days before the scheduled class to allow the space to be filled. Click on the workshop title(s) below to register. You will receive confirmation of your enrollment once you have registered. If you have any questions, contact Nikki Werner at or 312.567.3998.
This foundation course teaches leaders how to get results through people. During the course, leaders will learn a set of core competencies to meet both practical business needs and people’s personal needs. Learners acquire a set of proven interaction skills, discover seven Leadership Imperatives for meeting today’s challenges, and realize their roles as a catalyst leader- a leader who inspires others to act.
Target Audience: Staff supervisors who manage one or more direct reports
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Mies (Main) Campus – Hermann Hall – Crown Room
9 a.m.—2 p.m.
Even the best proactive customer service skills won’t produce satisfied customers every time. This course equips learners with a significant skill set that is essential to providing high-quality service to internal or external customers. These core competencies will help service providers turn dissatisfied, upset customers into satisfied, loyal ones.
Target Audience: Staff employees (individual contributor or supervisor)
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Mies Campus – The McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) Ballroom
9 a.m.—2 p.m.
The differences people bring to the workplace can promote tremendous creativity and innovation. Those same differences also can contribute to misunderstandings, which can lead to discord and, if left unresolved, dispute. Individual performers need to know how to navigate effectively beyond conflict to prevent damage from occurring.
In this course, individual contributors learn how to recognize the warning signs of conflict and take action to prevent situations from escalating or work out the conflict if it does escalate. This allows them to mitigate any negative impact, thus reducing the cost of conflict and improving business results.
Target Audience: Staff employees (individual contributor or supervisor)
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Mies (Main) Campus – Hermann Hall – Hermann Lounge
9 a.m.—2 p.m.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Mies (Main) Campus – Hermann Hall – Crown Room
9 a.m.—2 p.m.