As you know, Illinois Tech has converted its voice services to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).
With this multiphase rollout, the Office of Technology Services is now reviewing the university’s existing fax lines to determine which are still being used, so we know which fax lines should be converted to VoIP.
You should have received a faxed message explaining how your input is needed by January 31, 2021 to inform OTS as to how to proceed with your fax line.
If you have not done so already, please assist us by answering a few brief questions about your fax by clicking here. By doing so, OTS will know whether or not your fax line needs to be converted to VoIP.
Please note: Unless you indicate your interest in continuing your fax line – by answering those few brief questions by January 31–OTS will assume you do not want to convert your fax line, and it will be disconnected.
Thank you for your assistance.