Did you know that Illinois Tech staff can have an account at Galvin Library? Maybe you’re having trouble getting to your local public library at a convenient time? You can use us as your “local library” and stop by before work, on your lunch hour, or on your afternoon walk to the train. Summer is the perfect time to take a few minutes and stop by the circulation desk on Galvin Library’s lower level and set up your staff library account. Get started using library resources on the same day.
With your Galvin Library account, you have access to the circulating books at Galvin Library, which include a Leisure Reading section. Leisure Reading is a collection of leased books so titles change as new ones arrive and old ones are returned. The collection features bestsellers and classics from all genres including mysteries, thrillers, cookbooks, health and nutrition books, anime, graphic and serial novels, and much more. Leisure reading is located on the upper level on the west side. Use our Random Title Generator to find a good read.
Also included in staff privileges is access to:
More than 100+ research databases, newspapers, online journals and ebooks.
I-Share, a consortium of more than 80 institutions that features an online catalog containing more than 42 million items. Once you’ve registered at the library, you can set up your online account, order online and the item is shipped here in a few days. You’ll receive an email when it arrives.
MyILL, which provides access to materials not available in I-Share. This service borrows from more than 8,000 libraries and research institutions from across the United States. You will need to set up an account in the MyILL system and you’ll be notified by email when your book, article or borrowed material arrives. Borrow books, DVDs, CDs, albums and more using MyILL.
You can also learn a new language online using the library’s subscription to Mango. Language courses are currently available in more than 70 foreign languages and more than 12 English as a Second Language (ESL) courses, all of which can be accessed off-campus.
Unsure how to use a resource or have a question? Contact us by phone, email, IM or stop by in person, where you’ll find the best resource offered by Galvin Library: helpful library staff.