Webinar: “FDA’s Proposed Regulations for Sprout Production”

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to learn more about the upcoming sprout safety regulations and to ask the FDA directly about how the regulations will affect you. A webinar on the “FDA’s Proposed Regulations for Sprout Production” will be held on Wednesday, March 20 from 12:30–1:30 pm (CDT).  Register today!

Samir Assar
Director, Produce Safety Staff, FDA/CFSAN

Joy Johanson
Consmer Safety Officer, Produce Safety Staff, FDA/CFSAN

Stephen Grove
Manager, Industry Projects, Institute for Food Safety and Health, IIT

The webinar will feature an overview of the proposed Produce Rule by Samir Assar and Joy Johanson, with particular emphasis on the requirements for sprout production. The proposed requirements include the use of validated seed sanitation procedures, testing of sprouts or spent sprout irrigation water for pathogens and implementation of environmental monitoring plans. Stephen Grove, Coordinator of the Sprout Safety Alliance, will discuss the efforts currently being undertaken by the Sprout Safety Alliance to create a robust training curriculum focusing on best practices for safer production of sprouts. The webinar will conclude with a live Q&A session.

The cost of the webinar is $39. Register by March 8 for an early bird price of $29!

For more information, please contact LaShondra Stephens at 708.563.8278 or email sproutalliance@iit.edu.