Xuhuiqun Zhang has been named an Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science Finalist, a program of the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) to recognize the highest quality research presented by students and young investigators at NUTRITION 2020 LIVE ONLINE.
More than 1,000 abstracts were submitted by students and postdoctoral fellows. The Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science program aims to recognize the top 15 percent highest scoring abstracts as finalists. Abstracts were rated by more than 500 nutrition scientists.
Xuhuiqun Zhang abstract for NUTRITION 2020 LIVE ONLINE is titled Microbiome, Pre-Diabetes and Polyphenol Metabolites: Insights and Interactions in Humans After 4-Week Dietary Intervention with Red Raspberries and Prebiotics.
“Through this activity, the American Society for Nutrition celebrates the achievements of our rising stars,” stated Richard Mattes, PhD, MPH, RD, President, American Society for Nutrition. “The Society looks forward to watching their future contributions to advance our understanding of nutrition science and practice.”
For a full list of Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science Finalists, visit https://meeting.nutrition.org/2020awards/#abstract2020.