Faculty/Staff Archive

  • Academic Unit Gatherings and Receptions for Welcome Week

    Academic Unit Gatherings and Receptions for Welcome Week

    Welcome Week is August 12–18. To accommodate any academic unit that would like to host a reception or introductory session for their areas during Welcome Week the best dates and times are 4–6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13, or Wednesday, Aug. 14. These dates and times ensure that students will not have a conflict with other events during Welcome Week.

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  • TELUS Health July Features and Webinars

    TELUS Health July Features and Webinars

    This month, TELUS Health (formerly Lifeworks), Illinois Tech’s Employee Assistance Program, is highlighting substance abuse related topics with articles in the Heartbeat Newsletter. You can visit the Heartbeat Hub to read articles on strategies for interacting with friends or family members struggling in this area, as well as information on recovery.

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  • New Online Training Sessions Offered for All Faculty

    New Online Training Sessions Offered for All Faculty

    All faculty are invited to attend one of 13 online training sessions that will take place during new faculty orientation on August 12–14, 2024. While the Office of the Provost is providing these sessions for new faculty during their orientation, all faculty members are invited to take part in the fully remote sessions. 

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  • Don’t Miss Out on Your 403(b) Retirement Plan Match

    Don’t Miss Out on Your 403(b) Retirement Plan Match

    Are you a faculty member approaching your first anniversary or a staff member approaching your second anniversary, or have you recently hit these anniversaries? You may wish to take a moment to review your current 403(b) contribution percentage and submit a new Salary Reduction Agreement Form to take advantage of the university match, if you are not already doing so.

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  • Summer Friday Flextime Program Guidelines

    Summer Friday Flextime Program Guidelines

    As the summer season approaches, we are pleased to announce the reinstatement of our summer flextime program, effective from the first week of June through the last week of August. Eligible employees are permitted to leave work three (3) hours in advance of their scheduled end of shift for six (6) Fridays, subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor. Please see the program guidelines linked above for additional information regarding eligibility and scheduling.

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  • Galvin Library Welcomes New Head of Access Services

    Galvin Library Welcomes New Head of Access Services

    We are pleased to announce that Karen Cherone has joined Galvin Library as the new Head of Access Services. Prior to her arrival at Illinois Tech, she was the Senior Library Assistant at the Oscar Rennebohm Library at Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin.

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  • Timesheets Must Be Submitted Early Due to Memorial Day Holiday

    Timesheets Must Be Submitted Early Due to Memorial Day Holiday

    Due to the Memorial Day holiday, the time sheets for the period of May 12 thru May 25, 2024, for the pay date of May 31, 2024, must be submitted by 10 a.m. and approved by 4 p.m. on Friday May 24, 2024. Any time sheets that do not meet this deadline will be delayed in processing until the next pay period.

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  • BCBS Member Rewards Cash Incentives Available for Even More Procedures

    BCBS Member Rewards Cash Incentives Available for Even More Procedures

    Consider using the Member Rewards program to find the most cost-effective, high-quality location for your mammogram, colonoscopies, ultrasounds, CT scans, MRIs, even surgeries such as sinus surgery, knee and hip replacements, and cardiac surgery.

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  • TELUS Health May Features for Mental Health Awareness Month

    TELUS Health May Features for Mental Health Awareness Month

    This month, TELUS Health (formerly Lifeworks), Illinois Tech’s Employee Assistance Program, is highlighting Mental Health awareness month with webinars, articles in the Heartbeat Newsletter, and a mental health microsite called Promoting mental wellness to family and friends.

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  • Health and Emergency Assistance Services While Traveling Overseas

    Health and Emergency Assistance Services While Traveling Overseas

    If you’re traveling this summer, whether on university business or for personal reasons, you can feel secure knowing that our benefits plans have you covered.

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