Students Archive

  • MBA 577: Entrepreneurial Finance Course Available in the Fall

    MBA 577: Entrepreneurial Finance Course Available in the Fall

    MBA 577 is designed for students interested in becoming an entrepreneur, working at an entrepreneurial firm, investing in entrepreneurs and/or anyone interested in the topic of finance and/or entrepreneurship. The course is open to all graduate students. A background in finance is not required. This is a course that focuses on teaching the practical application of the topics mentioned earlier.

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  • Discover the Fascinating World of Psychopathology From Home This Summer

    Discover the Fascinating World of Psychopathology From Home This Summer

    Are you intrigued by the complexities of the human mind? Do you want to understand the various cognitive, emotional, and behavioral disorders that affect people's lives? Enroll in PSYC 303—Introduction to Psychopathology and embark on a captivating journey into the realm of psychological disorders. This summer course, running in Session C from June 24 to August 3, offers a unique opportunity to dive deep into the field and earn 3 credit hours in an accelerated format.

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  • Health Waiver to Opt Out of Student Health Insurance Plan Available Through September 1

    Health Waiver to Opt Out of Student Health Insurance Plan Available Through September 1

    Illinois Tech is committed to the health and welfare of students and requires all students who register for one academic credit hour or more to have health insurance. The Student Health Waiver opened on June 6, 2024. Students who do not wish to be enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) and have comparable health insurance have until Sunday, September 1, 2024, to opt out via an online waiver.

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  • Submit Your Invention to College Inventors Competition by June 3

    Submit Your Invention to College Inventors Competition by June 3

    If you're a student inventor ready to level up your capstone project or invention, you can submit to the College Inventors Competition—run by the National Inventors Hall of Fame—by Monday, June 3, at 11:59 p.m. 

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  • Grad Students: Register for the Summer Research Writing Workshop

    Grad Students: Register for the Summer Research Writing Workshop

    The Summer Research Writing Workshop is specially made for grad students who are ready to start writing about their research to help them cultivate their writing skills and achieve their research goals. Every participant who completes the workshop will have a finished dissertation chapter or publishable journal/conference article prepared for submission by the end of the workshop.

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  • Summer Session Parking and UPass Information

    Summer Session Parking and UPass Information

    Parking permits by summer session are available for purchase online via MyParking. Also, the UPass program is now available for summer participation at Illinois Tech. Summer UPasses will be valid through Sunday, August 4, 2024. Summer students must opt in by May 29, 2024.

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  • Seeking Students for the Tech-Jobs Program

    Seeking Students for the Tech-Jobs Program

    Researchers at Illinois Tech are seeking Black/African American undergraduate students with disabilities majoring in technology-related fields (e.g., engineering, ITM, psychology) to participate in a 10-week virtual program called Tech-Jobs. Eligible students will be compensated for their time.

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  • Important Commencement Day Instructions for Graduating Students

    Important Commencement Day Instructions for Graduating Students

    Commencement is almost here! Here are some final important instructions that you should follow in order to make your Commencement day run smoothly.

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  • Improve Your English Communication and Cross-Cultural Skills This Summer

    Improve Your English Communication and Cross-Cultural Skills This Summer

    Are you staying in Chicago and looking for things to do this summer? If you’re staying in Chicago, why don’t you enjoy all that this amazing city offers and consider enrolling in a non-credit English communication course to strengthen your overall language and cross-cultural skills before the next academic year begins. All courses are taught by highly experienced instructors and offered at a greatly reduced tuition rate.

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  • Finals Week Activities at Galvin Library

    Finals Week Activities at Galvin Library

    Finals Week is around the corner, and Galvin Library has your back. That includes tutors, quiet study rooms, coffee breaks, stress relief sections, and therapy dogs. The library will have 24-hour operations from Sunday, April 21, at 1 p.m. to Friday, May 3, at 7 p.m.

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