Interprofessional Projects Program (IPRO) Archive

  • IIT Faculty and Staff Encouraged to Attend IPRO Day as Judges or Guests

    IIT Faculty and Staff Encouraged to Attend IPRO Day as Judges or Guests

    Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Day will take place this semester on Friday, November 22, 2013, from 10 am–3 pm in Hermann Hall.

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  • Spring 2014 IPRO Registration Fair

    Spring 2014 IPRO Registration Fair

    The IPRO Registration Fair is taking place from 12 – 5 pm today, October 29, 2013 at the McCormick Tribune Campus Center Bridge and Center Court.

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  • Summer 2013 IPRO Day a Success

    The culmination of the summer semester’s Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Program was held on IPRO Day on July 26. Twelve teams exhibited and presented their semester-long work in the Hermann Hall Ballroom. Dedicated panels of workplace professionals, faculty and graduate students spent the day judging the IPRO projects, and voting on the best exhibits.

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  • Plan to Attend Summer IPRO Day

    Plan to Attend Summer IPRO Day

    An academic highlight on IIT Main Campus each summer is IPRO Day. This year, it will take place on Friday, July 26 from 10:00 am–1:00 pm in Hermann Hall. IIT faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in this worthwhile event and show their support to the summer IPRO teams. The event is the culmination of IPRO teamwork via exhibits and presentations. This semester, 12 IPRO teams are participating.

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  • The Chicago Tribune photo gallery, “Summer warmth descends on Chicago,” includes a shot of civil engineering undergraduate Ron Thomas working on the UFarmIIT garden.

    The Chicago Tribune photo gallery, “Summer warmth descends on Chicago,” includes a shot of civil engineering undergraduate Ron Thomas working on the UFarmIIT garden.

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  • Spring 2013 IPRO Day Winners

    Spring 2013 IPRO Day Winners

    Friday, April 26, 2013 marked the culmination of the fall semester’s Interprofessional projects (IPRO). More than 55 teams exhibited and presented their semester-long work. Dedicated panels of workplace professionals faculty and graduate students spent the day judging the IPRO Projects, and voted on the best exhibits and presentations.

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  • Come to IPRO Day this Friday

    Over 55 unique student teams from the spring 2013 semester will be exhibiting their work at the IPRO Day competition on Friday, April 26, from 10 am - 3 pm in the Hermann Hall. Join us to learn more about their work in sustainability, technology, community development, and corporate relations!

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  • Request for IIT Faculty and Staff to Attend as IPRO Day Judges and Guests

    We encourage IIT faculty and staff to participate in this worthwhile event and show their support to the 600+ students who have completed an IPRO project this semester. The IPRO Day event is the culmination of IPRO team work via exhibits and presentations. This semester there are over 55 IPRO teams participating - our largest IPRO Day ever!

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  • Today: Summer & Fall IPRO Registration Fair

    The IPRO Registration Fair gives students an opportunty to learn about upcoming IPRO project teams that they may be interested in joining. In an informal table format, students contemplating taking a summer or fall IPRO project can meet IPRO instructors and explore the best project options to consider.

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  • Fiftywards IPRO Survey

    Fiftywards IPRO Survey

    Please take a minute to fill out this survey for IPRO 302. We are gathering feedback about what the residents of Chicago want to know about the city and the Chicago city government. The results of this survey will be used to help design the Fiftywards website for the IPRO.

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