Awards Archive

  • Vivian Weil Honored with the Sterling Olmsted Award from the American Society for Engineering Education

    Vivian Weil Honored with the Sterling Olmsted Award from the American Society for Engineering Education

    Vivian Weil, director of IIT's Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, will be honored with the Sterling Olmsted Award from the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) at the organization's annual meeting in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 25. The Sterling Olmsted Award, given by the Liberal Education and Engineering Studies Division, is the highest offered by the ASEE. The award recognizes those who have made distinguished contributions to the development and teaching of liberal arts in engineering education.

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  • IIT Marketing and Communications Brings Home Four Golden Trumpet Awards

    The IIT Office of Marketing and Communications was honored with four awards at the Publicity Club of Chicago's Golden Trumpet Awards banquet on May 30, 2013. The annual awards honor dis­tin­guished indi­vid­ual achieve­ment in the plan­ning, cre­ativ­ity and exe­cu­tion of pub­lic rela­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions ini­tia­tives.

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  • MMAE Grad Student Wins MAGS Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award

    MMAE Grad Student Wins MAGS Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award

    MMAE graduate student Amirhossein Arzani recently won the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award. This award recognizes and rewards distinguished scholarship and research at the master’s level. To be considered, a thesis must contain original work that makes an unusually significant contribution to the discipline. Arzani won a $750 cash prize and traveled to present his work at the MAGS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis in early April.

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  • 2013 Ralph Peck Lecture

    Join the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering for the 2013 Ralph Peck Lecture and the Excellence in Teaching Awards and Distinguished Alumni Awards ceremony on Monday April 15 from 3:15–4:30 pm in Perlstein Hall Auditorium. The Peck Lecture will be presented by Purdue University's G. V. "Rex" Reklaitis, Courtesy Professor of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy and Edward W. Comings Professor of Chemical Engineering. A reception will immediately follow the lecture in Perlstein Hall lobby.

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  • IIT Researchers Win American Academy of Environmental Engineering and Science Honor Award

    IIT Researchers Win American Academy of Environmental Engineering and Science Honor Award

    Illinois Institute of Technology researchers Krishna Pagilla, professor of environmental engineering, Benjamin Stark, professor of biology, and graduate students Marina Arnaldos (Ph.D. ENVE ’12) and Stephanie Kunkel (BIOL) were awarded the Honor Award for University Research by the American Academy of Environmental Engineering and Scientists (AAEES) for their research, “Improving Energy Sustainability of Wastewater Treatment by Low DO Nitrification Process.”

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  • Illinois Tech 2012-13 Liberal Arts Conference Champions

    The Illinois Tech men have become the 2012/2013 Liberal Arts Conference Champions! They won the meet, held February 13–16 at Coe College, with a final score of 702; the women's team placed 7th out of 12 with 141 points and only four female swimmers. Senior Eric Grunden had a phenomenal meet with first-place finishes in all of his individual events and placed on every relay. For this, he received the Men’s Swimmer of the Meet Award. Also recognized was diving coach Ryan Nelson, who was awarded the Men's Diving Coach of the Meet Award.

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  • “Appellate Courts as First Responders” by IIT Chicago-Kent Distinguished Professor Joan E. Steinman wins the AAAL Eisenberg Prize

    Appellate Courts as First Responders: The Constitutionality and Propriety of Appellate Courts' Resolving Issues in the First Instance, a law review article by IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Distinguished Professor Joan E. Steinman, has won the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers' (AAAL) 2011–12 Eisenberg Prize.

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  • Diver Ian McNair Three-Time National Champion

    The Scarlet Hawks sent 14 swimmers and one diver to Oklahoma City February 27–March 2 to compete in the 2013 NAIA National Championship Meet. The team broke four school records and won two national titles. Illinois Tech’s men’s team finished fifth out of 16 teams with 291 points while the Illinois Tech women's team finished 18th out of 19 teams.

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  • IIT Trustee Martin Cooper (EE ′50, M.S. ′57) and Other Mobile Phone Pioneers Win Draper Prize

    The mobile phone pioneers who laid the groundwork for today’s smartphone will be presented with engineering’s highest honor during a February 19 ceremony in Washington. The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) will honor Martin Cooper, Joel Engel, Richard Frenkiel, Thomas Haug and Yoshihisa Okumura with the Charles Stark Draper Prize, which annually recognizes engineers whose accomplishments have significantly benefited society. Considered the Nobel Prize of engineering, the prize includes a $500,000 award.

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  • Grant Awarded to AIAS IIT Lissette Project

    Grant Awarded to AIAS IIT Lissette Project

    GRAPHISOFT® and the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) proudly announce the selection of the 2012 GRAPHISOFT AIAS Freedom by Design Grant recipient. This year, GRAPHISOFT and the AIAS partnered to award $1,500 to one AIAS chapter for an upcoming AIAS Freedom by Design project. The 2012 grant recipient is the AIAS Illinois Institute of Technology Chapter for the Lissette Project.

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