IIT Today Archive

  • Stay Connected By Joining IIT Today On Social Media

    Stay Connected By Joining IIT Today On Social Media

    Stay connected with the latest university news including reminders about lectures, special learning opportunities, and IIT achievements with IIT Today, your source for news and events for students, faculty, staff and friends of Illinois Tech.

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  • IIT Marketing and Communications Brings Home Four Golden Trumpet Awards

    The IIT Office of Marketing and Communications was honored with four awards at the Publicity Club of Chicago's Golden Trumpet Awards banquet on May 30, 2013. The annual awards honor dis­tin­guished indi­vid­ual achieve­ment in the plan­ning, cre­ativ­ity and exe­cu­tion of pub­lic rela­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions ini­tia­tives.

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  • Student Organizations: Get the Word Out with IIT Today, University Calendar

    Student Organizations: Get the Word Out with IIT Today, University Calendar

    If your registered student organization has upcoming events or meetings, a new website, or any other announcements you would like to get out to the IIT community, be sure you don't forget to use IIT Today and the University Calendar. Both are easy and free ways to tell fellow students about your plans for the school year and recruit new members.

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  • Welcome to the New IIT Today

    Welcome to the New IIT Today

    Welcome to the new IIT Today, which brings a variety of new features, including permanent links for every article and announcement, better search functionality, content sorting using categories and tags, social media implementation, integration of Google Calendar, and more.

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